Homemade Barbecue Pulled Pork

24 Jun

I love to experiment with food. I had never made this before so I Googled how to make pulled pork. I went to Whole Foods and picked out 2 pounds of pasture raised pork butt (I know it sounds so funny). Once I arrived home, I made my own spice rub and coated the roast and let it marinate in the refrigerator. I slow roasted the pork for a few hours and then let it cool. It is a very simple process.  I shredded the meat once it was cool enough to handle.

Homemade Pulled Pork

I used my own recipe for barbecue sauce, which is loosely based from my mom’s recipe. This barbecue sauce is very easy to make, with just a few tweaks to make it with fair trade, organic ingredients and seasonings to suit my own tastes. I also made homemade whole wheat bread and homemade coleslaw. I invited my parents over for dinner and we enjoyed testing out this recipe together. It was a hit! I can’t wait to make this again. I paired it with sweet potato fries that I baked in the oven with olive oil and some seasonings. The bread was very tender and soft. This recipe is definitely going in my cookbook!

Pulled pork barbeque sandwich

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